Not can he rhomboid soybean

Yup, that’s the title of an email I got today: “Not can he rhomboid soybean”.

Pretty darned smart spammers. Who would resist opening an email with that title?

Bet ya can’t say “rhomboid soybean” three times real fast.

[Edited to say…]

Ben O. suggested I try making to a poem from the phrase, so I did:

Not can he rhomboid Soybeans
With brillig in the toves.
Piles of girl and boy jeans
Laid in stacks and rows.

Expressions of annoyed genes
The passing years expose.
I’ll trade in all those coy teens
For a warmer suit of clothes.

I’d rather not deploy teams
Spammer loopholes for to close,
But rather seek out joy scenes
And a respite from my woes.

About Kevin

Just an old guy with opinions that I like to bounce off other people.
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3 Responses to Not can he rhomboid soybean

  1. Kevin says:

    Thanks for the suggestion, Dan. However, I would rather suffer the spam than put a burden on folks who want to send me legitimate email.


  2. Dan Kauffman says:

    If it gets too bad, be time to sign up for one of those
    spam blocker sites.
    I run into them now and again, have to fill in a field manually for the email to go through, not a bad concept so far the bots can’t do image recognition.

  3. Ben O. says:

    That is pretty strange to say the least.

    Try and make a poem out of it or something.

    Ben O.

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