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Tag Archives: Radio comparisons
Tecsun PL-660 vs PL-880
I’ve owned my Tecsun PL-660 since 2011 (12 years). It’s not the newest version of that radio –there have been firmware updates since then — but it works well, and is arguably the best radio I own. More recently the … Continue reading
Posted in Product Reviews, Radio
Tagged AIR band, Radio comparisons, shortwave radio, Single Sideband, Tecsun PL-660, Tecsun PL-880, WWV
PL-330 or D-808?
Someone asked me on my Blog or Die! YouTube channel which radio I would recommend to someone just getting started with the shortwave listening hobby, the Tecsun PL-330 or the XHDATA D-808. Both were briefly featured in the video, and … Continue reading
Zhiwhis ZWS-603 vs Kaito KA29
Two radios with similar function, but significant differences The Kaito KA29 received a lot of attention by reviewers when it became available in August of 2014, but I only got mine today. The Zhiwhis ZWS-603 is much newer, from December … Continue reading
Posted in Product Reviews, Radio, Technology
Tagged Kaito, Radio comparisons, shortwave radio, Zhiwhis, ZWS-603
Comparing 3 Tecsun radios: PL-660, PL-380, PL-330
I haven’t bought a radio in quite a while, but the new Tecsun PL-330 seemed quite capable, so I used the proceeds from selling off older radios on eBay to buy a new PL-330 (with firmware version 3306). I was … Continue reading
Posted in Product Reviews, Radio, Technology
Tagged AIR band, PL-330, PL-380, PL-660, Radio comparisons, shortwave radio, Tecsun