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Tag Archives: shortwave listening
Music (?) 4 Joy
Music 4 Joy is a broadcast carried by a commercial station in Nauen, Germany, that consists of an hour of what some have called “techno” music with no announcements. It’s like random notes accompanied by a drum machine. The audio … Continue reading
Any Given Sunday
The phrase “any given Sunday” comes from American professional football, a game often played on Sundays. It’s short for “on any given Sunday, any NFL team can defeat any other.” It happens due to random events, special conditions, injuries and … Continue reading
Posted in Radio
Tagged Raddy RF75A, shortwave listening, shortwave radio, Tecsun PL-660
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Radio nostalgia
Here’s my nostalgia photo from December of 1967. My “radio shack” was a bedroom closet. The Eico signal generator, the Lafayette KT-340 shortwave receiver and the Heath kit IO-21 scope were all built from kits. Sort of in the center … Continue reading
Posted in General, Personal, Radio, Technology
Tagged Lafayette, Nanaola, Shortwave, shortwave listening, shortwave radio
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