I like puzzles, one of which is figuring out where radios come from.

The ZWS-2415 got its FCC Type Acceptance under model HD-2415 by a Chinese company called Shenzhen Huedeli Electronics Co., Ltd. The company’s website says they make weather radios, but none of the models they show are the typical emergency radio with a crank. I presume that they worked as an OEM for the ZWS-2415.
The HD-2415 FCC ID application shows a photo of the radio, indicating another brand it’s sold under, the Raddy SH-906 (adding a compass to the strap and deleting the accessory wire antenna):

And while I have the FCC photos opened up, here are some details:

Huedeli does sell one radio that I recognize, under the model HD-886. I used to own one under a different brand that I donated to Goodwill (not because it was a bad radio, but that I had no use for it).
One thing jumps out in that photo, an accessory antenna identical to the one that comes with the Zhiwhis ZWS-2415.
Microsoft Copilot also tells me that Huedeli made another familiar radio, the Mesqool CR1009Pro, one of the three I dropped off at Goodwill this morning (good riddance). They also make the LiJiANi Rd236.
We know that Zhiwhis sells a number of radios from the ZWS-2415 product box:

Now who makes that ZWS-A320 (AKA Raddy RF320, HanRongDa HRD-A320, Retekess TR112)? Hmmm? It’s somebody else: ZHENGZHOU YSAIR TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.