Surprise Radio: RTL-SDR Blog V4 SDR

I’ve had an RTL-SDR Blog V3 SDR for a few years, but I haven’t blogged much about it beyond the article on SSB. In the intervening years, RTL-SDR Blog has come out with V4 of the dongle, a software defined radio device that one might misidentify as a USB flash drive except for the SMA antenna jack.

It’s really an amazing device, covering from 500 kHz up 1.766 GHz. With software, it supports SSB, FM RDS and digital noise reduction.


I decided on the SDR Sharp (SDR#) software to run on my tablet PC back with the V3 dongle and continued with it for V4. Installation is a bit complicated, requiring multiple items to be installed. All I can say is read the instructions carefully and follow exactly. It went smoothly this time, compared to a real mess with the old one.

There is a long list of improvements for V4, detailed on the product data sheet. Notable are improved sensitivity and notch filters to reduce strong broadcast band interference.

I got through the software installation and hooked it up briefly to my new 40-foot outdoor antenna. I got some stations, including a very weak one from Radio France on 21580 MHz. I compared the signal with my Qodosen DX-286 and boosting the gain on the dongle allowed it to surpass the DX-286. It got my attention.

As time permits I’ll post some videos and experiences.


I installed SDRSharp on my desktop computer and the SDR works there too. I never thought I’d get anything amid all the RF noise, but it’s good.

About Kevin

Just an old guy with opinions that I like to bounce off other people.
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