I’m reading Obama’s book (about 1/3 in). Obama has an engaging style. He seems like a nice guy. I’m still looking for a reason he’s the one to be the leader of the free world, but I haven’t finished the book yet. But I don’t really know anyone who is running for President this year (2008) that looks like the leader of the free world.
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I read several books at the same time, and sometimes I get sidetracked on one. I did eventually finish Audacity. I take books to lunch with me and sometimes with distractions I only get 20 minutes a week on those. I think Audacitywas a lunch book for while. I admit, policy can be a bit dull at times.
I’ve been reading Al Franken’s book The Truth forever — it’s a bathroom book.
I’m reading Obama’s first book, Dreams from My Father, now. I didn’t really want to read it, but I felt that I ought to know what’s in it, so people can’t get away with lying to me about it. For example, there is a comment on somebody’s blog that Barack Obama says in his book that he used an Indonesian passport. I find that highly unlikely, but I won’t know whether I was lied to or not without doing my homework.
6+ months and you made it 2/3 through it. Real Moving reading obviously.
I don’t blame you for taking so long getting through his book. The title itself seems, ummm… I can’t choose the word, but it isn’t a positive one.
I have a better book whenever your ready to read it.
I’m about 2/3 through the book now. I continue to find Obama profoundly evenhanded in his analysis. Clearly a thoughtful man. I was particularly impressed by the chapter on Faith, which is a serious testimony of a sincerely committed individual. He’s a little pedantic sometimes, giving 5 examples where 3 would do, but that’s a matter of style. The point is that he KNOWS there are 5 examples rather than having a shallow understanding of the topic.
Found hope…
I found the book and started again. I just finished the section on Health Care. I disagree with Sen. Obama there. I think the largest savings would result from getting the private insurance companies out of the business. The government administers Medicare at a much lower overhead.
On the other hand (with a nod to the Senator) some solutions are effective, but politically impossible.
Lost hope…
I put the book down somewhere and now I can’t find it ;(