Another election year has rolled around, and I’m getting a little political (I get more political in a presidential election year). The South Carolina Primary is tomorrow, June 10.
This year we have the unusual election of two US Senators in South Carolina: the usual 6-year election for Senator Graham’s seat, and an election to fill the unexpired 2 years of Jim DeMint’s term , who felt that it was more important to head a conservative think tank than to be a US Senator. Good riddance, Jim. DeMint’s seat had been temporarily filled by appointee Tim Scott.
Republican Lindsey Graham faces 6 Tea Party challengers, for whom he isn’t far-right enough. If Graham wins, things could get interesting according to insiders who say a certain prominent South Carolinian will run against him as an independent, a Ron Paul style candidate that could siphon off any Tea Party votes for Graham in the general election. Graham according to a recent poll has 49% support in the Republican Primary, with “Undecided” in second place at 35%. The SC Democratic Party has endorsed State Senator C. Bradley Hutto in the race against Graham.
It has been a bizarre 4 years in South Carolina with the prospect of no Lieutenant Governor come July 1, and apparently no one wanting the job. Our first Lieutenant Governor of the term, Ken Ard, resigned amid ethics charges. The second, Glenn McConnell, resigns effective July 1 to become President of the College of Charleston, his alma mater. In South Carolina, the President pro tempore of the Senate becomes the Lieutenant Governor upon a vacancy (and leaves the Senate). However, current Senate President pro tempore John Courson says he will refuse to take the constitutional office and has resigned as President pro tem. If no Republican will take the job, we may end up with a Democratic Lieutenant Governor. 😯
About the only accomplishment of the SC Legislature this session was to pass a bill creating a uniform $25 fine for driving under the influence of texting, the next to last state in the nation to address the dangerous practice.
I learned about a very interesting web site maintained by South Carolina Republicans, called They describe themselves as “reasonable grassroots Republicans.” I really like reasonable people.
Meanwhile local Democrats had a standing-room-only crowd at it’s monthly lunch meeting (about double the number expected).
I literally exercised my right to vote today by riding my bike the polling place. It’s not far, but oh the hills.

Democrat John McGill is indeed South Carolina’s new Lieutenant Governor, and Thomas Ravenel has announced an independent challenge to Graham and Hutto in the Senate race.
The “Ron Paul style” independent is likely to be Thomas Ravenel, who on election day issued a statement saying that those who didn’t vote in the Primary did so because they had no real choice. He says:
Well, it’s official. Ravenel is running for Senate.