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Category Archives: Obama Citizenship Denial
Blog Your Passion
That’s what Huffington said on the Daily Show, “blog your passion”. Readers of this blog over the last few weeks might think my passion was Barack Obama because that’s certainly a topic I’ve talked a lot about. But Obama is … Continue reading
Posted in General, Obama Citizenship Denial
OCD, a Cottage Industry
Someone handed me a letter the other day denying that Obama was qualified to be president. I thought it was a printed-out email and I was more than a little surprised to learn that it came in the US Mail. … Continue reading
Posted in Educational Reports, Obama Citizenship Denial, Politics
Comments Off on OCD, a Cottage Industry caught in OCD lie careless error.
I’m the first to say that an anti-Obama organization telling a lie bearing false information is hardly news; it’s more the rule than the exception, but this one is so blatant and so easily blown that it really MUST be … Continue reading
Posted in Obama Citizenship Denial
Obama Citizenship Denial – Final Summary
One need but look at my blog to see how much time I have personally wasted on Obama Citizenship Denial. This subject has now moved to the “conspiracy theory” world (where long-resolved objections are repeated, and evidence dismissed). Most of … Continue reading
Burden of Proof
I got a copy of a letter today that said, in part, Even if he is sworn in on January 20, Barack Obama will not legally be President of the United States, unless he can prove that he is a … Continue reading
Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!
I have been privately wondering exactly why the smearbots have been clamoring for a copy of Obama’s long form birth certificate. Any reasonable person expects that it will be 100% consistent with the birth certificate we have all grown to … Continue reading
Posted in Obama Citizenship Denial, Politics
1 Comment
OCD Crowd’s Next Gambit
The forensic document experts were exposed as impostors and incompetents. The Hawaiian foreign birth registration law, Hawaiian Homelands Act, and rules about altered birth certificates not being so marked have all been shown bogus. Attempts to redefine “natural born citizen” … Continue reading
Posted in Obama Citizenship Denial, Politics